Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dealing with the Students as People Before Studnets...

Have you had to deal with a student in your classroom who does not seem to want to work? Finally after much digging, you find out they have a difficult home life (9 little brothers and sisters, broken family, no electricity, etc). How did you handle the situation with homework and assignments that the student did not complete in the classroom?


  1. I had an incident yesterday where a student left a study guide for today's test on the floor in our classroom. This student has a lot of home problems, only completes about half of his work, yet always participates in discussions. I know he is capable of getting at least a B. I picked up the study guide, gathered his corrected homework of which he left as well, found him at the end of the school day and told him I want him to finish filling out the study guide and have it done when he comes back today. My cooperative teacher allows the students to use the study guide when they take the test. If he just fills it out, he will probably do just fine. I will post the results (not his grade) of his actions later today. I'm not holding my breath, but I hope, hope, hope he does something. I get the feeling this kid just needs someone to believe in him.

  2. Crash and burn! This student didn't even try. He had the lowest score in the class. I am struggling to understand why a student would chose to not fill out a study guide - with all of the answers for the test on it - and then fail the test deliberately! Will talking with the student more often help? This boy wants to fail. The only thing I can think of is that he is depressed and hopeless. There is something in me that wants to rescue this kid but I also know that I have to be discerning and reasonable. My next step is to talk with the school counselor to see if she has any help and insight she can give me.
