Thursday, March 5, 2009

Integrated Curriculum

What are ways to get science incorporated with your subject area? How can we create cross-curricular activities or integrated curriculum? Let us know your ideas!!!


  1. I have some ideas on how to do this, but I am always looking for more! My current work sample at La Grande Middle School is going to be integrating Science, Math, and Literacy. I plan on doing this through a lesson on renewable energy. By designing experiments using different renewable energy options (wind, wave, and solar), collecting and analyzing data, and writing up a formal lab report and presenting the findings, I plan on addressing all of these curricular areas. I am really excited and will keep you posted on how it turns out!

  2. I think the older the student, the more difficult it is to incorporate science cross-curricularly. The classes tend to become more specialized as I believe they should be. I think by supporting other content areas such as having students use proper grammar and sentence structure in their science papers, have students scientifically examine social issues in social studies, or incorporate math problems in science classes are all appropriate. I also think PE/Health could incorporate biological and chemical processes that occur in the body as it relates to that content area is a good thing to do too. I would only want science incorporated if it helps the teacher in their content area teach the students more effectively and supports their learning in that content area. I would hate to see a teacher feel like they need to incorporate science into a curriculum if just for the sake of satisfying a mandate.

  3. I love English. I can incorporate any subject area with relative ease. So, you want science in my curriculum? No problem. Here's what I would do. If we were looking at heredity, I would have parents research the various people along their family tree that they potentially inherited certain physical characteristics from. I would have them compile this information in a kind of life biography and use this as a foundation to discuss fiction and non-fiction as well as biography and autobiogrophy. It would be a great topic. Right now fiction and non-fiction is kind of a hot for debate as it is. It would be a fun unit.

  4. I think I can easily incorporate science into PE and Health. Studying body movement, digestion and other body functions are somewhat related to science.

  5. Art and science often can be taught through chemical reactions and adherence of different paints or other medias. For instance, how can you make acyclic and oil paint adhere in a painting? Two completely different physical and bonding characteristics. Not only that, the effect of painting chemical on the body.

  6. Well in PE you we play trivia conditioning. so you could have trivia from different subject areas. We condition every thursday and you could change topics up each week like one week you could have questions that relate to science and the next week you could have history and so on. you could just fiqure out what classes your students are taking.
